PMG Made A Donation Of Essential Medical Consumables And A New Mini Fridge-Freezer To The Akuse Prisons

Home|Charity|PMG Made A Donation Of Essential Medical Consumables And A New Mini Fridge-Freezer To The Akuse Prisons

On the 21st of August, 2020, PMG made a donation of essential medical consumables and a new mini fridge-freezer to the Akuse prisons. The items are for care of the inmates, having been agreed upon after consultations and visit with the Prisons’ authorities. The Administrative Manager of PMG handed the items over to the 2IC, CSP Abugrago, their Medical Orderly/Nurse and other Officers. In attendance was the Executive Director Mr. A.A.Buanya. The donation was funded by Mr. Lawrence Darmani, publisher of the “Step Magazine.”

“On behalf of the Executive Committee of the Prison Ministry of Ghana we wish to express our deep gratitude to you, members and friends of the Ministry for your generous act of kindness to mankind, especially to our brothers and sister in the confines of the prisons in Ghana. May God continue to increase your resources and bless you and your families abundantly with His presence and favor as you bless the inmates with the resources He has given you.”

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