Appeal For 2021 Christmas Day Celebration With Inmates

The Ministry’s annual Christmas celebration with the inmates is one of the highlights of our Ministry, to witness effectively to our brothers and sisters behind bars and to give them the assurance that they are not forgotten as our vision for the Ministry states: “I was in prison and you came to visit me” says […]

The Commission Of New Solar-Powered Irrigation System At The Site Of The Halfway Home, Kasunya. 

The Prison Ministry of Ghana on 1st February, 2022, will commission its new solar-powered irrigation system at the site of the Halfway Home, Kasunya. With the availability of water and electrical power, the Ministry can now bring into residence discharged prison inmates as an essential step in their reformation and re-integration into the larger society. The […]

Prison Ministry of Ghana Biennial Retreat 2023

Presbyterian Women’s Centre Abokobi, Accra, Ghana

PRISON MINISTRY OF GHANA RETREAT: 2023 With the improved understanding and management systems now available for COVID-19 matters, the Prison Ministry of Ghana (PMG) is organizing the 2023 Biennial Retreat for its members, Ghana Prisons Service officers, and major church and other partners and collaborators. To be themed “Building in the strength of the Lord” […]